Well today all that has changed. My desperate urge for recognition combined with a rampant egotistic streak caused me to get out my 'One Hundred Things To Make and Do' book and knock up a trophy for myself and here it is:
Now that this fantastic trophy is up for grabs I reckon I'll definitely be winning any patch yearlist competition for many years to come, no?! No trophy would be worth having without an official presentation now would it? And that's just what my inflated ego was crying out for, all I needed was a person of some note locally to make the presentation. Fortunately I knew just the person, 'Seaton's Hardest Seawatcher' who kindly agreed to do the honours.
'Seaton's Hardest Seawatcher' kindly takes a short break from her 24 hour seawatching schedule to present the trophy.
Martha came along and took some video footage of the auspicious occasion which can be viewed below. If you bother to read the credits you will see that she has inherited my extreme modesty!!

Martha came along and took some video footage of the auspicious occasion which can be viewed below. If you bother to read the credits you will see that she has inherited my extreme modesty!!
Obviously I need to get out in the field and do some birding, don't I? I did visit Jubilee Gardens yesterday where I saw both Firecrests, albeit briefly and a female Black Redstart is still in the Trevelyan Road/Yacht Club vicinity, seen both today and on Thursday.Also today, I glanced over Bridge Marsh in order to tick the Greylag, got to keep my priceless trophy!
Excellent!! Clearly too much time on your hands! ;o)
Yes clearly! ;-)
In the words of Willy Wonka "So much time, so little to do!"
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