On my way home I got a text from Ian M who had seen a Black Redstart at the AYC. So when I arrived back I popped over there for a quick look, and sure enough there it was on one of the rooftops of Trevelyan Road. I don't know exactly what it is about these houses that Black Redstarts like so much, but I'm glad they do like them. I got out the S3 and with my usual foolproof technique, (wave in general direction of bird press and hope) took these snaps of it.

While I was pointing my camera at some bloke's window he asked me (understandably, I suppose) what I was doing. When I explained, his reply was; "Oh yes, the Black Redstart, he's been here for around a week now, I hadn't seen him yet this morning though." Seeing as this man only lives about about 4 doors away from me, and the bird's been knocking around for a whole week, I don't think I'll be winning any prizes for the backwater's most observant birder!
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