I saw my first Redwings of the winter whilst walking the dog in the vicinity of Whiford for some obscure reason, I forget what exactly. By some incredible coincidence I bumped into Steve here too. Rex, who was wet and very muddy to boot, decided to jump into his car to say hello, whoops, sorry Steve! :-(
Steve told me that there were now four Black Redstarts at the Yacht Club, I wasn't already aware of this of course!! When I got home I walked the couple of feet from my house to have a look and sure enough there they were, they'll be starting to outnumber the Pied Wagtails at this rate! I took another quick snap of the male with the S3, not much cop, but so what! At least the sky's blue.
Then I went to Bruckland Ponds and saw, (yes, you already know) these:

And loads of these:
Monday's my evening off work and so I made the most of it by nipping down to Colyford Common for the last hour of daylight again. Gav was already there and had conscientiously counted the Godwits, the Sandpipers... oh and the Dunlin.
In Gav's latest blog post, after publishing what has to be said was a 'truly gripping' photo of a Vincent Black Shadow he said.
I for one haven't the slightest urge to see any more. Why? Because I'm a 'girl' and not remotely interested in such things? No, it's because I have hundreds of them myself!! Doesn't everyone!?
Here's one:
And another:
Monday's my evening off work and so I made the most of it by nipping down to Colyford Common for the last hour of daylight again. Gav was already there and had conscientiously counted the Godwits, the Sandpipers... oh and the Dunlin.
In Gav's latest blog post, after publishing what has to be said was a 'truly gripping' photo of a Vincent Black Shadow he said.
..... Be warned - if anyone professes even the slightest bit of interest in seeing more pics of old British bikes parked in muddy fields you won't be able to stop me....
Here's one:
And another:
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