On the way to Colyton I bumped into Gav at Colyton WWTW and he mentioned that he'd seen a Black Redstart at the AYC earlier in the morning, I hadn't seen it yet but when I got home I soon found it on next door's front garden. It was visible on their roof on and off all day.

Here's a typical view of a Black Redstart from my kitchen window.
I stopped by at Bridge Marsh and saw the Brent Goose and also the Ruff which Gav had found this morning. There were also (well I counted) 52 Black-tailed Godwits here.
Bad points of the day were, breaking a tooth (dentists not open 'til New Year either I suspect) and falling down the stairs!! I'm OK, just a little bruised. I was carrying the cat at the time, he's non too pleased either!!
More falling?!! Quite why you would ever venture close to the edge of a cliff I cannot fathom! Hope you mend soon! :-)
Perhaps a touch of derring-do!? Or more likely stupidity :-)
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