Sunday 31 March 2013


I couldn't go and see the White-spotted Bluethroat that was showing so well on Portland last Sunday, I'd been birding on patch in the morning but had developed an awful headache and wouldn't have been able to manage the drive there. I was going to go on Monday on hearing news but the news I eventually heard was of the negative kind. Then yesterday news came out of another male White-spotted Bluethroat, this time I was in Exeter for most of the day and when I got home I felt too tired for the drive over to decided to give it a miss... what a huge mistake! When I saw the photos on the web later, especially these I was horribly gripped, so much so that I had to give up on the day entirely and went to bed at twenty past eight! A clear night was forecast so I feared there'd be little chance of it being around today, so when I got a text from Bun this morning with the news that it was indeed still present there wasn't a moment to lose and we were very soon on our way there. When we arrived at around 10am we had just missed it showing really well out on some dung heaps. We had to wait almost an hour to see it and then it was just a brief view, but at least I'd seen a Bluethroat at last....It was a lifer for me! Although the view was brief I thought I'd be able to get a quick photo of it. I had it nicely lined up in the viewfinder, I pressed to focus but it wasn't to be because I was suddenly clobbered by an ill-controlled rucksack which almost knocked me off my feet. The joys of twitching! I really wanted a better view and the chance for a record shot at least, so we waited for around another hour in the biting cold wind before it eventually did the right thing and came out into the open. This time the views were more prolonged and I was able to get a few shots, although from a fair distance away. It was good to see the bird was getting something to eat as can be seen in one of the following photos. What a stunning little bird! A real thrill to see one at last...and what a one to see!

Catching a 'nice juicy worm'

Sometimes no white spot could be seen...

...and sometimes it could.

White-spotted Bluetroat......Bostin!


JRandSue said...

Well done Karen,great Bird to see and Tick.

Factor said...

Perseverance pays off. I'd loved to see one too. Just don't have the time! Frustrating.