When I got to my destination however, the scene was very different.
What about birds? Well there were at least eight Wheatears along the side of the golf course, with a few more scattered around in the fields. The golf course itself was heaving with Meadow Pipits, I counted 67 on the 15th fairway alone, I reckon there were at least 150 of them. Also around 20 Pied Wagtails, a couple of flyover Yellow Wagtails, 4 Skylarks, 5 Siskins and a single Chiffy.
I ventured further than usual past the edge of the golf course onto the cliff edge to get a picture of the breathtaking view from here seeing as the weather was so good, and here it is, just look at the colour of that sea. Gorgeous :)

I spotted a white patch in the baked earth, it was yet another golf ball, crushed by a tractor. Could it be a tick? Shall I free it? I thought perhaps I should just leave it to rest in peace, but no, I couldn't, I just HAD to find out!! I know your itching to see it, so here it is, it's a Slazenger - Raw Distance HE2.
Sounds really impressive doesn't it? Well, after looking it up on the internet it seems it's a real bargain basement ball, (£10 for 18 and if you buy 2 boxes you get one box free!) with rubbish reviews and nothing going for it at all except it being another tick! Perhaps it was better off buried and forgotten....
I wonder just how many millions of different golf ball species there are, (sad I know) because between us Gav and I haven't found a single repeat yet!
Now more bird news. I was delighted to to see the numbers of Linnets building up again, last autumn they peaked at around the 990 mark. I know this because on the 6th October I took a photo of a flock and counted every single bird in it. Today there were only 234, here's a photo of them, although in this photo only 188 of them are in shot.
I was planning on visiting Colyford Common at high tide, but as I drove past I could see 5 cars parked outside the entrance. Not feeling in the mood for a game of twister in a shed I decided to have a look from the Farm Gate instead. I could see the 5 Ruff and two Little Stints, (although there are now actually four) and the Osprey was again on it's favourite post eating a wriggling fish, it put me in mind of Gollum singing "Our only wish to catch a fish, so juicy sweeeeet". As I passed Coronation Corner there was still a small gathering of expectant photographers, and here they are, including Bob Hastie (the only one I recognized) tucking into a bag of crisps!
I must try and go some where different soon, maybe even tomorrow or else my blog's miniscule viewing figures will drop into the minuses!! :(
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