The view from my house over the old Racal factory site, you may also remember me bemoaning my lack of an estuary view due to the row of small trees to the right of this picture. They completely obcure most of the estuary including Coronation Corner. Here's a closer view of them (from last Wednesdy too):

Today I looked out of the window to see this:

What a terrible sight! I know what your probably thinking - "you've got a great view of the estuary now" Yes, I admit I will probably enjoy my new found ability to get a few decent waders on the house list, or indeed twitch a patch 'biggy' from the window, whilst wearing my dressing gown and supping tea (as if!). But at what cost? I'd much rather have the trees, I was looking forward to checking them out everyday in October for a Yellow-browed Warbler - or better. I really can't see a legitimate reason for their destruction, though the cynic in me can guess the actual one. ie: Get rid of any trees on site before the planning application goes in, the council planners always want trees left in situ don't they? Oh well! I'll just make the most of my new view before it becomes more buildings I suppose.
Rant over, what about birds? Well I haven't really done any birding today so there aren't any but I did take the dog for a quick amble in Bovvy Down Woods, they're just an extension of Morganhayes really but are different in that they are practically a monoculture with at least ninety percent of the trees being larch. Here they are:
Rant over, what about birds? Well I haven't really done any birding today so there aren't any but I did take the dog for a quick amble in Bovvy Down Woods, they're just an extension of Morganhayes really but are different in that they are practically a monoculture with at least ninety percent of the trees being larch. Here they are:

I can think of a couple of 'Backwater Birders' who'll be itching to visit here.
This will probably be entirely lost on anyone under a certain age and/or not of a nerdy disposition but I just couldn't resist taking this next photo:

Number 1: The larch.
As well as trees I also like Beetles and here's a nice one from today, its a Geotrupes stercorarius commonly known as a Dor Beetle or Dumble Dor (no not that guy in Harry Potter).

I asked this little chap nicely if he wouldn't mind showing us his ventral surface, he said. "Sure I'll just flip over onto my back for a mo" and here it is:
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