Wednesday 24 April 2013

Worth The Wait and A Very Unexpected Addition To The Photo Year-list.

In today's post I received a book which I ordered many moons ago, at least six months, maybe more. Its publication kept being delayed and to be honest I'd forgotten about it. It was well worth the long wait though. It's superb. Here it is...

It's so good I haven't been able to put it down for most of the day. I'm really looking forward to using it, if the sun ever comes out for long enough! I did manage to tear myself away from it and venture out after a text from Steve. There was a female Tufted Duck on The Borrow Pit, a scarce bird on our patch and one that I'd already missed once this year.

No.93 Tufted Duck.

I also went for a look around  the Axmouth lanes and was very surprised to bump into this.

No.93a  Rhode Island Red

It was probably lost, because it was a long way from the nearest houses.

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