Wednesday 29 June 2011

Small Red Damselfly

I've got lots of stuff backing up, waiting to make it onto my blog but I'm just not finding the time to get it on here. Something for a rainy day I guess. Today I went to Bystock Pools, on the East Devon Commons to look for Small Red Damselfly, which would be a new species for me. I was successful with good views of both male and female, fortunately intermittent sun made them nice and lethargic, allowing for a close approach which certainly helps as they are really minute! Click on the photos to's worth it! Unless your name's Martha of course!

 Male has red legs, red eyes, unmarked red abdomen and red pterostigma.
 So, very red then!
( Best viewed full size)

Some other inhabitants of Bystock Pools
 Bog Asphodel
 Common Lizard
Wood Ant
I never knew they have a spiny bottom, they have! Enlarge the photo to see it.
Red-eared Slider!!?

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