I decided to go to Beer Head instead and look for a Ring Ouzel, Firecrest or better! Five minutes later I found myself at Axe Cliff - what can I say, I'm fickle. It was a good decision though because there were certainly plenty of birds to be seen. Here are some rough totals. 300+ Skylarks (mostly over west) 150 Starlings (again over west) 50 Meadow Pipits, 30 Yellowhammers, 6 Reed Buntings, 4 Bullfinches, 5 Redwings, a single Fieldfare, 100 Chaffinches (grounded) , 1500+ Wood Pigeons (took off from field and landed back in it) 4 Goldcrests and a Grey Heron (out to sea) there were plenty of Blackbirds in the undercliff and I thought a Ring Ouzel was a distinct possibility. I didn't stay long enough to find out because just after 9 o'clock a grey goose flew in off the sea and carried on northward. It got lower and lower and I thought it could have landed somewhere. I couldn't identify it unfortunately. I went back to my car and drove up to a gateway near Bindon Farm and while I was there scanning a set aside field I got a nice surprise when a small flock of nine White-fronted Geese flew directly overhead. Unfortunately they didn't appear to be heading for the valley, but flying straight north. This is just the sort of thing that keeps me going to Axe Cliff time and again! :-) No photos unfortunately because today was the only time I can remember being on Axe Cliff without my camera.* Typical!
Another nice highlight was a stunning male Brambling in with a flock of feeding Chaffinches. I got my scope and digiscoping camera out just in time for them to move on to another field out of sight of the road.
I also saw this sorry sight today:
The 'cut proof durability' boasted by all brands of golf ball is found severely lacking when faced with a plough!! I looked at the model name and it seemed rather appropriate.

(I know it really means the past tense of wind)
Doesn't this ball having a wound core make it an old has been anyway? I was going to stop collecting but I've actually got someone interested in buying, (yes buying!!) my gallimaufry of golf balls. So worth continuing I think! :D
* obviously I did have a camera - I meant my S3.
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