Wednesday 6 August 2014

Back to Birding

Those readers of this blog who aren't in the least bit interested in plants (if one can imagine such a thing) might want to breath a sigh of relief. Autumn is approaching and so I'll be doing much more birding from now on. It will be mostly within walking/cycling distance of home as I'm without a car every day except Sunday for the foreseeable future. So mostly Black Hole Marsh, Colyford Common and Seaton Marshes. Axe Cliff is just about doable on foot and Beer Head will be out of the question because I'm so crap at cycling I'd never make it there! This morning I paid an early visit to Black Hole Marsh and got some great views of the Wood Sandpiper along with most of the usual suspects. I didn't see the Curlew Sandpiper or Knot but I heard later that they were still present. I think they were on the river though.

I was surprised to see this Common Tern,only the second I've seen on Black Hole Marsh.
It didn't hang around long.

Some of the usual suspects. 
The conditions were ideal for nice reflections.

Nicely lit Wood Sandpiper.
It came a lot nearer but in challenging light for photos, being in the shade and back-lit. 
Still I gave it my best shot and the results were much better than I'd expected.

Wood Sandpiper

A few Sedge Warblers were in the reedbed by the platform.

As was this little beauty.

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