When I heard that the
Caspian Tern was still at West Bexington this morning I didn't waste any time in grabbing my second chance. I still don't know why I didn't go yesterday with it being a potential lifer an' all. The weather wasn't looking very promising with patchy fog and constant drizzle on the drive over there. When I arrived I could see what I assumed was the bird fishing over The Mere, It was too distant to get a positive id on though as I was still in the car park. By the time I'd walked closer it had gone. I had to wait almost an hour before it reappeared, the weather was deteriorating, my parking ticket was due to run out and I was on my way back to the car when I spotted it flying towards me along the beach. It did a couple of circuits of The Mere before heading off east along the shore again. Then the rain really set in so I decided to call it a day. The conditions were dreadful for photography but I managed to get a few shots none the less. A superb bird, one I've always really wanted to see. So glad I got a second chance ...and took it, even if it was rather nerve-racking for a while there!

Challenging conditions on West Bexington Beach.
A couple of birders just visible on the ridge.
photos are great - that is a very very fine bird. Sounds like a great effort in very difficult conditions ! :)
Thanks Ben.
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