This strange tradition allegedly originates from the 13th century, when bored noblemen staying in local hostelries threw scolding hot pennies down into the street to watch 'the poor' fight over them and suffer minor burns in the process! Hilarious! Those were the days! (unless you were one of 'the poor' obviously). Today, having not heard of inflation, they still use pennies, which fortunately aren't at all worth fighting over and I suspect are merely only warmish too. Quite frankly in these health and safety obsessed times I'm amazed it's still allowed at all! The main participants these days are local school children, who are allowed off school during the ceremony.

Here's a little video showing the general hysteria (I could understand it it they were throwing chocolate buttons! ;-) ) Check out the frantic woman in the turquoise top, she looks 'old enough to know better' to me! At one point she actually snatches up money virtually from the hands of a small boy! Unbelievable!
Although it was very windy last night with rain forecast to arrive by midnight I still stuck my moth trap out on the back yard to see what it could catch in just an hour and a half. The answer was five moths, with three being new for my 'garden'. They were large and lesser Yellow Underwing, and the scintillating Shuttle-shaped Dart. I also caught a lovely Jersey Tiger, which I kept (along with the Shuttle-shaped Dart) until this morning in order to get a photo or two, and here they are.