Cheddar Pink
The scent of this beautiful plant was so strong I could easily smell it even in the
strong wind which was blowing. It's growing right on the edge of a cliff as you can see. For some reason I had an overwhelming urge to see it from below so climbed down the cliff and into a bramble patch...
...worth it? Probably not. Hard climb back too!
Glanville Fritillary
Three different individuals,
The top one a bit washed-out, the bottom one looked freshly emerged.
The under-wings are simply stunning.
This one had warmed up enough to start nectaring.
Gorgeous!...Baby-blue eyes too.
I spotted this pair of Cream-spot Tiger Moths. I think the faded one's a male (feathered antennae) and the fresh one's a female.
I also found a Cream-spot Tiger out on the road outside my house a few days ago. Unfortunately it was a bit moribund. I think it had been hit by a car. Still, I took a couple of photos to preserve it for posterity. Yes, I know...I'm all heart!
I've been out and about locally for the last couple of weeks looking for more Small Blues. I've seen 13 in total, in four different locations between Branscombe and Culverhole to the east of Seaton.
Small Blues
I've taken photos of several other butterflies and interesting insects too.
Wood White.
Common Blue
Clouded Yellow. First I've seen this year.
How many moths can fit on a Buttercup? These are a new moth species for me. I must have seen them before I just haven't noticed them. They are Micropterix calthella. A teeny-weeny moth that feeds on pollen grains.
I think these may be Bronze Shield Bugs (Eysarcoris fabricii)

I'd never seen one of these stunning bugs before. It's a Corizus hyoscyami, which as far as I'm aware doesn't have a common name. A once rare bug of coastal dunes, which is now becoming more regular inland apparently. The plant it was feeding on was very pretty...
Rock Sea-spurrey. (Spergularia rubicola)
I think I did.
Great post Karen
Love the first ruby-tailed wasp photo.
Never managed a good photo of these - they never seem to stay still.
terrific photos in this post, Karen. You have seen so many butterflies; I'm quite envious. To say the wasp is superb is an understaement.
Wow, a Ruby Tailed Wasp-that's a new one to me..........
Thanks for the comments all.
The Ruby-tailed wasps are stunning creatures. Funny thing is they are so small I hadn't noticed them before. I will have to look more closely at other tiny critters in future.
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