The fossils get washed out of the clay 'cliffs' and can be found on the beach. They are however generally very small and cannot easily be seen by just walking along.
Why is there always a flip-flop on every beach everywhere!?
This is the optimal strategy for finding the tiny fossils. I even had to put my glasses on.
Some of the fossils are very tiny indeed and I found one ammonite that was just 3mm across.
This is part of what we found in a couple of hours.
This is the largest pyritized ammonite that I've ever found. I was lucky enough to spot it just poking out of the mud at the base of the 'cliff'.
I think it is Quenstedtoceras lamberti

The intricate suture lines marking the edge of the shell's chambers show up really well.
The majority of ammonites found are around this size.
Some are extremely small.
Belemnites are extemely common and these can be seen whilst walking along, I think these ones are
Hibolithes hastata
My favourite find of the day was this Pentacrinites or 'star stone' in the vernacular. I've found sections of crinoid (sea lily) stem before but this is the first individual ossicle. I love the amazing intricate pattern and the star shape. You need to look closely to see it though because the ossicle is only 5mm across.
I'd like to have found this ammonite complete, this section is 4cm deep which means the whole ammonite would have been in the region of 12cm in diameter.
The hazy afternoon sun over a flat calm fleet.