Over the last few years I've often walked (or sometimes ridden (mobility scooter, not horse or heaven forbid, bike!) through Vivary Park in Taunton town centre. I often went into town whilst hubby was at his shooting club, and coming through the park I always noted an extremely large patch of Lamb's-ear - Stachys byzantia in the sensory garden area and wondered whether it attracted any Wool Carder Bees - Anthidium manicatum which I had never seen. So one Saturday at the end of June on a beautiful sunny day, I decided to check. Fortunately it was easy to just sit on my scooter and wait. It was at least half an hour before I spotted one and then one or two more, as well as another couple of species, both new for me, one of which is nationally very scarce. Following are photos of the three new bee species and also a few from the supporting cast. I had some really nice habitat photos of the flower beds but ... Yes, lost in the incident.
Wool Carder Bee - Anthidium manicatum
Banded Dark Bee - Stelis punctulatissima
This bee is a cleptoparasite of the Wool Carder Bee but unlike its host it is nationally scarce,so was a very pleasing find.
Blue Mason Bee - Osmia caerulescens
Mint Moth - Pyrausta aurata
The following three were seen later in the year at the same location.
Patchwork Leaf-cutter Bee - Megachile centuncularis
Hornet Plumehorn - Volucella zonaria
Batman Hoverfly - Myathropa florea